Violence against Women and Children

MJAS is dedicated to taking up the cause of women, particularly from rural Rajasthan and combating gender-based violence.

Key Projects

  • Empowering Adolescent & their communities to end child marriage through amplification of voices of adolescent girls and case intervention. 
  • Child Marriage No Never: Without my consent Never Ever – A campaign against child & forced marriage reached 10000 people every year. The youth and children’s groups mobilised by the MJAS at the village level led the campaign and made it a success.

Continuing Projects

  • Engaging Panchayati Raj Institutions in Holistic Redress to Violence Against Women supported by NMEW (National mission for empowering women, WCD) in 2015-16 and continue by MJAS  
  • Action against gender-discrimination and VAWG : One of the core areas of work in MJAS and was begun by the founding members of the organisation. Under this intervention till date more than 1000 cases have been taken up and resolved. This intervention includes all kinds of violence against women and girls.
  • Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ChildLine India Foundation) : This is a service provided to children that need protection from violence and any kind of violation of rights. So far we have attended to more than 700 cases.
  • A study and documentation on ‘Violence Against Women in the Context of the Practice of Nata in Rajasthan’ from 2002-2004. To read more link to the resource. 
  • Documenting cases of Witch-Hunting, MJAS has been an Advisory member of PLD project on the same issue, organised National western-regional consultation
  • HumRahi Project: Learning and developing a sustainable modle of functioning between a Resource Organisation and an on ground organisation. This was in partnering with RAHI Foundation from 2016 to till date.

In continued partnership with HAQ centre for Child Rights, RAHI Foundation, Partners for Law in Development, Child Rights and You-CRY