
Young Women Leadership Development Program

A core part of MJAS work is to build capacities of young girls and women as leaders of tomorrow through collective action for social transformation.

Through the work on young women’s leadership development, MJAS aims to address the vicious cycle of poverty, patriarchy and ignorance that has resulted in exclusion of women from social, political and economic spheres. It also provides a space for everyone to come together and fight for gender equality and justice. It builds confidence and self-sufficiency among girls and women through its various skill-based programmes. Working in rural as well as urban areas, MJAS aims at providing extending support through organising women’s groups at the village and community level. 

Capacity building programmes

  • “Wenlido” women’s safety project

    • Wenlido – Women’s path of strength
    • Wenlido – Feminist Personal Safety
    The age group of 11 to 19 and 19+ young women Young master trainers of MJAS organize courses for adolescent – young girls In partnership with National Wenlido Network

  • Saath-Saath Gender EQUALITY course with all ages but focus on children

    • Covering Class 6 to 8 All children in 10 schools
    • Adolescent girls group – 24 covering <500 girls
    The age group of 11 to 19 and 19+ young women In partnership with AVEHI-ABACUS Mumbai 2016 to 2018 and now continued by MJAS. In partnership with National Wenlido Network